Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tigers are the Buzz Around Town

The Marcan Tiger Preserve family arrived last night and began setting up for an exciting nine days of educational demonstrations. Media began arriving today. Fox TV got some footage to let everyone in Mobile know what's going on this weekend.

The Press-Register was on to of it too. I have to say, photojournalist John David Mercer was fearless. He got a lot closer than I ever would have dreamed of...I would never say it doesn't fall within my job description, but there is a reason for zoom lenses. And the cage.

During the heat of the late afternoon -- could this be the cat days of summer? -- the tigers were napping mostly. However, Brett did receive a call from a city employee who said they could hear roaring from their office. I think we all agree with Ilka when she says, "That's ggggrrrreat!"

Be sure to stop by June 7-15, bring your friends and family -- but leave your umbrellas at home. Surprisingly, the tigers are scared of them!

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