In the courtyard, we have "whisper dishes," which are also called "conversation curves."Whisper dishes are parabolas made of metal. When sound waves hit a parabola, sound is reflected back in a straight line. That's why theaters are designed with a parabola as a backdrop -- the acoustics are better for the audience.
When you set up two parabolas facing one another, you create an ellipse and sound waves can travel back and

forth easily. When you visit, be sure to step outside and have a partner stand in front of one of the whisper dishes. You should be able to talk into the dishes in hushed tones, and be able to hear one anther and people milling around in the center won't be able to distinguish your conversation.
Now that you know the science behind the fun, you'll be able to spot other places where you can test acoustics. Check out the

Battle House Hotel on Royal Street, a few blocks down from the Exploreum. On the mezzanine, the arches are an ideal spot to discuss something with someone who is 25 feet away. Melissa and I tried it and we were surprised at just how clearly we could hear each other!
Be sure to check it out!